
Welcome to Nickelytics: Your Premier Rideshare Advertising Partner


Are you a business owner looking to turbocharge your brand’s visibility and reach? Look no further than Nickelytics, the leading rideshare advertising company that connects your brand with millions of riders every day.

Our innovative and strategic advertising solutions ensure that your message travels with your target audience, making your brand an unforgettable part of their journey.

Why Choose Nickelytics for Rideshare Advertising?

Unmatched Exposure

With Nickelytics rideshare advertising solutions, your brand travels through city streets, highways, and neighborhoods, capturing the attention of potential customers on the move.

Dynamic Engagement

Reach customers when they're most receptive – during their rideshare journeys. Your message becomes a memorable part of their daily experiences.

Customized Campaigns

Our team of experts crafts tailor-made advertising campaigns to suit your brand's objectives, ensuring maximum impact and ROI.

Data-Driven Strategies

Harness the power of data insights to refine your campaigns and optimize their performance for exceptional results.

Our Ridesharing Advertising Solutions

In-Car Branding

Transform rideshare vehicles into moving billboards, showcasing your brand's message to a captive audience during their trips.

Geo-Targeted Promotions

Reach specific neighborhoods, events, or locations with pinpoint accuracy, driving local engagement.

Interactive Campaigns

Engage riders with interactive advertisements that create memorable and shareable experiences.

Rider-Exclusive Offers

Increase conversions by offering exclusive discounts and promotions to rideshare passengers.

How Does It Works:



Our team works closely with you to understand your brand, goals, and target audience.


Campaign Design

We create captivating ad designs and content that resonate with your audience, ensuring maximum impact.


Placement and Tracking

Your ads are strategically placed on rideshare vehicles, and their performance is tracked in real-time.



We analyze data to fine-tune your campaigns, ensuring they consistently deliver exceptional results.

The power of Nickelytics from our customers' perspective

Start Your Journey with Nickelytics Today!